Abhijit Gaikwad, Chartered Accountant
Myself Abhijit Gaikwad. I am a practicing chartered accountant.
After becoming a CA , I had not taken any type of practical course how to treat people. I was not that much open minded. I didn't used to hear, didn't like to observe people. I also was not used to properly react to people. But by going through this NLP with Anil, I have really understood how to treat people, how to listen, how to observe, how to react, how to re-frame your language and I am very thankful to Anil. The other thing which I want to say about Anil is that what I admire is that most people try to hide their white hairs. He doesn't do that. He is so simple. During the whole course he was like a big brother to us. He was very kind to everyone, listened to everyone and I am very thankful to him.